The new series follows Frasier Crane in the next chapter of his life as he returns to Boston, Massachusetts, with new challenges to face, new relationships to forge and an old dream or two to finally fulfill. Catch up with Frasier in this 2-disc DVD set that includes every episode from Season One plus an exclusive gag reel.
DVD · PG-13
Days before Christmas in turn-of-the-century Toronto, Detective William Murdoch is called to investigate a daring train robbery. When witnesses insist the culprit exhibited super-human abilities, Constable Crabtree realizes the robber bears a striking resemblance to the title character of his new graphic novel, Jumping Jack.
The PINES student PLAY card gives all Social Circle students a special library card using their student ID with no late fees. These PLAY cards are funded by a generous grant from Georgia Public Library Service.